Videoinsight® corner

Sports Science Orthopaedic Surgical Day Centre, Cape Town, Sudafrica

Since June 2015 Videoinsight® Foundation started a collaboration with Professor Willem van der Merwe, President of the South African Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, at the Sports Science Orthopaedic Surgical Day Centre in Cape Town, Sudafrica. Selected Videos from the Videoinsight® Collection will be shown to patients in Orthopedic Surgery Departments for the Promotion of Wellbeing.

Greg-Lumley (1)

G. Pini Hospital, Milan, Italy: Six Videoinsight® Corners

Milan, Italy – Gaetano Pini Hospital
Videoinsight® Rooms Project

Since 2014 Videoinsight® Foundation established Permanent Videoinsight® Corners
inside the Gaetano Pini Health Care Institution in order to offer the possibility to watch selected Contemporary Art Videos from Videoinsight® Collection with High Videoinsight® Impact.
The initiative promotes the Psycho-Physical Well-being in all Patients during waiting in Emergency, Prevention, Diagnosis,Therapy, Recovery and Rehabilitation Departements.

Videoinsight® Method by Rebecca Russo, already experienced and checked in Medicine with objective results disclosed and approved in the International Scientific Community since 2013, is applied in the World with the purpose of Improving the Quality of Life.

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