Radio Rai1
Radio Rai1 | Artissima | 5.11.21
Il Giornalista Giancarlo Loquenzi
intervista Rebecca Russo
Filantropa, Collezionista d’Arte Contemporanea, Presidente della Fondazione Videoinsight®

Radio Rai1 | Artissima | 5.11.21
Il Giornalista Giancarlo Loquenzi
intervista Rebecca Russo
Filantropa, Collezionista d’Arte Contemporanea, Presidente della Fondazione Videoinsight®
Rai Radio Uno | July 13 H12,40 Life. Obiettivo Benessere Interagire con l’Arte. Intervista a Rebecca Russo
Conduce: Annalisa Manduca In redazione: Ada Marra, Antonella Romano Regia di: Luca Bernardini
Videoinsight® Art for Care
courtesy Orazio Garofalo 2016
On Monday 4 April 2016 h3 pm Giovanna Giovannelli and Rebecca Russo have been interviewed by Jacopo Pastorino at Radio Reporter They presented the ‘The Better World’ event by G.H. Rabbath produced by Videoinsight® Foundation, dated 11 April 2016, realized in the Moon Garden of the Videoinsight® Foundation, involving hundreds of people.
by Silvana Piatti, Tita Giunta, Giovanna Giovannelli
In the ‘Videoinsight® Art for Care’ Programme 2014, before and after seeing 11 selected high impact Videoinsight® Art Videos, 100 spectators underwent three psycho diagnostic tests: the STAI anxiety measurement questionnaire, the BECK questionnaire, which evaluates depression and POMS questionnaire, which reveals mood state.
The three tests showed considerable differences in the spectators’ levels of anxiety and depression before and after the Videoinsight® Art for Care experience.
In the Videoinsight® Art for Care Programme 2015 100 spectators will undergo a Graphoanalysis assessment before and after viewing ‘The Healing’, a video by Emilia Faro according to the Videoinsight® Method and expression of Videoinsight® via Drama Therapy Dramatisation.
The aim of the experience is to verify the impact of an artwork on the spectator’s psychological and physical health.
The experience, as usual offered at no cost to the participant and by appointment, will take place at the Videoinsight® Centre, running weekly from Thursday 9th April at 7pm in four sessions:
– Writing a text for the Graphoanalysis assessment
– Viewing of ‘The Healing’ video by Emilia Faro according to the Videoinsight® Method
– Expression and elaboration of Videoinsight® through Drama therapy
– Writing a text after viewing the video.
Graphoanalysis assessment by Silvana Piatti
Drama Therapy by Tita Giunta
Organised by Giovanna Giovannelli
Supervised by Rebecca Russo.